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Are you swimming, floating or sinking?

Is it time for a personal or professional assessment?

June 12, 2024

Question for you. Are you swimming, floating or sinking?

Do you ever check yourself, personally and professionally?

If you’re a leader in an organization or a leader in your own company, intermittent assessment of your personal and organizational development should occur for consistent growth to happen.

When first starting out in either leadership scenario (mentioned above) an initial assessment is standard- what is the status of the environment you are engaging in, externally and internally- staff,employees,competitors, financial strength, etc.

Evaluating assessment results should lead to a game plan, setting goals and accomplishment deadlines as a metric of growth.

So when questioning yourself about your current status, personally and professionally, consider this-

Are you swimming?- moving forward towards your goals, consciously and conscientiously in action, engaged, feeling driven and motivated, navigating new terrain or opportunities, stepping up to the next level.

Are you floating?- no movement either way, no progression, doing the job, maintaining, content in the status quo.

Are you sinking?- unmotivated, uninspired, bankrupt (financially, spiritually), loss, unhappy staff, unhappy board members, chaotic environment (company, home).

I wholeheartedly believe that intermittent personal and business assessment is the foundation for growth, innovation and success.

Check out these 2 articles, take the test-

Rate yourself as a leader- Stop Being a Floating Leader

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